According to
- Make fair prices for both clients and buyers.
- Protect/secure any off-limits areas/items.
- Research market value on the stuff you don't know.
- Do not misrepresent any items. Disclose any imperfections or problems you're aware of in an item and encourage buyers to carefully examine anything they're buying.
- Control the number of people in the home and make sure everyone leaves with what was paid for.
- Do not sell any items you cannot legally sell.
- Manage your clients' expectations. Make them aware of fair market value for their items and help them understand what will go on inside their homes.
- Accurately advertise items for sale.
- Remove all conflicts of interest related to purchasing items from your own sale.
- Make sure you have enough staff covering areas crowded with small items.
- Do not disappoint shoppers by advertising/picturing items you have sold in advance. Make sure everything you advertise is there for the day of the sale.
- Be transparent about how unsold items will be disposed of. Avoid conflicts of interest and suspicion that items aren't selling so you can claim them free of charge